V1910090V500 - 100/90-19 TT V500 MX Mud Vee Rubber Tyres

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100/90-19 TT V500 MX Mud Vee Rubber Tyres

The Vee Rubber V500 is the ideal do it all offroad/MX tyre for soft to mid hard conditions, like found here in New Zealand.

Used extensively in the US Hare and Hound and OMA off road races, the V500 has the edge in very wet or sandy conditions and even drier rocky situations providing dependable traction from its wide self-cleaning tread block pattern and safe tracking from the front over roots and through other trail obstacles.


  • General purpose. For use in mid soft to mid hard conditions
  • Self cleaning wide block tread pattern 
  • 17mm high tread blocks provide great traction in most conditions 
  • Uni-directional so you can swap it round on the rim to extend the life of the tyre
  • 6 Ply Rating